Japanese Garden | Maternity Session

When momma-to-be Holly and I came across a photo of the Red Wing Japanese Garden in Virginia Beach, we immediately knew it was the perfect location for her maternity session. Holly wished for a session that was light and airy, where she would feel comfortable and most natural. Red Wing was everything she wanted and much more! Cherry trees lined the park, deep green foliage covered the ground and trails. Tropical blooms filled the air with sweet scents. Calming sounds of water led to a red bridge. Underneath, water trickled downstream. The gardens were picture-prefect!

As the session day arrived, we received an update on the cherry trees: no blooms. Definitely not what we wanted to hear. But, we kept our spirits up and decided to focus on the other areas of the park. I am so happy we did. We found beautiful and serene settings throughout. Holly and her husband, were able to relax and enjoy the moment. The love they share was wonderful to capture. Congrats to you both!

Vintage Inspired Edits

Q & A for Mom and Dad

Maternity Session
“We can do anything, together!”

J: Where was your first date?

H: His family’s lake house.

J: After your first date, who called who first?

H: We both texted each other nonstop!

J: If your family had a motto, what would it be?

H: We can do anything, together.

J: Are you having a girl or boy?

H: Boy!

J: What do you love most about pregnancy?

H: Feeling him kick and move!

J: What scares you the most about becoming a parent?

H: Regrets.

J: What excites you most about becoming a parent?

H: Having a lifelong best friend!